If you drive or rely on driving, this is your blog. A voice for 37m drivers, the highest taxed motorists in the world.
The most demonised for all the environmental ills of our planet. UK drivers that deliver every year, without fail, the 4th largest income to the Treasury.
Please add your comments as to how you feel about being a driver in the UK, what you want the Government to do that is both fair to your pocket, your freedom to drive and helping to improve air quality.
This Blog is sponsored by the FairFuelUK Campaign.
Please help us to campaign for a better deal for UK drivers
Buy this window sticker to show drivers care about the planet too
We are up against the rich celebrity backed ‘Client Earth’, the fanatical ‘Extinction Rebellion’ and the uncompromising ‘Green Party’ all well financed by millions of pounds of donations.
We punch way above our weight because of the support of hard working drivers across the UK and the continuing support of the RHA and FTA.
But we need as much sponsorship support as we can get. Campaigning is very expensive. Help to support FairFuelUK Campaign’s fight on your behalf to get Westminster to listen to common sense.
Please buy window stickers or help by giving a donation – ALL contributions go into our campaigning efforts. FairFuelUK is completely non profit making.