In a Survey of on-line FairFuelUK Supporters between 21-25 Feb, small businesses, self employed drivers, pensioners and the employed explained how a Fuel Duty Hike will impact on them

“The crass annual fuel duty turmoil could be halted for good. Any levy hike on the world’s highest taxed drivers, impacts brutally on small businesses with no choice to push Boris’s tax grab treachery onto their customers. Pensioners too, say they will see less of their families whilst having to cut back on keeping warm. The narrow-minded Treasury knows full well, lower fuel tax generates jobs, reduces inflation, adds more GDP and consumer spending rises, yet they obstinately wallow in fiscal threats on already hard pressed drivers. Our survey shows a 2p increase will not save the planet, but it will spoil daily lives of tax payers, new voters and small enterprises.” Howard Cox Founder of FairFuelUK
Remove Fuel Excise Duty from the iniquitous VAT regime.
only idiots pay tax on a tax.